What's Next?

You've set up the basics, now get more customers into your booking journey


Last Update 2 yıl önce

If you've followed the Setup Guide, and setup tasks within your system, you're ready to start taking bookings online but where to next? 

Get More Customers into Your Booking Journey

Now that your system's set up, you need to get customers and their information into your booking journey. Here's some great articles and instructions on how to implement the tools to do this:

  1. Add in Existing Bookings or import Booking information via the Leads CSV Importer & Convert to Booking
  2. Add in Leads or import Lead information via the Leads CSV Importer
  3. Add BoothBook to your website - Direct Customers from Your Website
  4. Encourage more new leads into your BoothBook with Reps & SEO Blitz
  5. Turn Leads into Bookings with Proposals & Conversations
  6. Improve your BoothBook with the article: Make BoothBook more effective for your business

Need More Support?

  • Look for the Live Chat in your dashboard to search Help Articles or ask a question to our support team. As your knowledge of using BoothBook increases, you will improve:
  • The configuration for your unique company
  • The training of your staff
  • The trust in your system to run your business
  • Book a Call with us at a date and time to suit you to discuss something more complicated
  • Join the Facebook BoothBook Owners Group where Boothbook owners share ideas, offer support and help each other. 

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