What Payment Gateways are available to use with BoothBook?

How to take payments through BoothBook


Last Update 2 tahun yang lalu

We currently have Stripe, Square, PayPal, Authorize.net, Mollie and PayFast (South Africa only) available for users to choose for their payment options as well a 2Checkout is your country doesn't allow you use any other of the supported gateways. You can set up your payment options in Top User Menu > Settings > Payment Gateways. We also have the following options Support Articles available to help with setting these up:

In addition to this, some payment gateways have the ability to use the Authorize.net framework as an emulator (eg. Cardknox, BluePay and Paytrace). This means they essentially "piggy back" the Authorize.net payment gateway and use it for their own card processing. Find out from Configuring an Authorize.net Emulator or from your current payment gateway if they have the ability to use Authorize.net as an emulator.

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