Taking payments with Stripe

How to use Stripe as a payment method


Last Update 2 yıl önce

Setting Up With Stripe As A Payment Method

  • Set up a Stripe account here
  • Make sure you're logged into your Stripe account, find your Stripe API keys here or watch this quick video
  • Log in to BoothBook system, navigate to and click on Top User Menu > Settings, scroll down to the Payment Gateways, then select the Stripe box.
  • Enter your Stripe API Keys in the boxes provided. (For TEST mode: Enter the 2 test keys. For LIVE Mode: All 4 keys must be present, even if you don't plan on using test mode.)
  • Click Save Configuration

For testing payments through your booking form:

  • Ensure Enable Test Mode is ticked in Top User Menu > Settings > Payment Gateways> Stripe, then Save Configuration.
  • Then fill out a test booking, using test card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242, an expiry date in the future and CVV: 123. See more test card options here.

What is Stripe?

Stripe is a payment method and needs to be set up externally before it can be used on the Booth Book system. 

How Much Does Stripe Cost?

Stripe costs you 1.4% plus 20p per transaction In the UK. In the US it's 2.9%+30c. For example on a booking that costs a customer £500, and if they pay a deposit of £100, then x2 payments of £200 each, your business will pay:

£1.60 (for this deposit transaction)

+ £3.00 (for this payment transaction)

+ £3.00 (for this payment transaction)


= £7.60 to Stripe for this booking (UK)

Compared to Paypal which costs 3.5% per transaction:

£3.50 (for this deposit transaction)

+ £7.00 (for this payment transaction)

+ £7.00 (for this payment transaction)


= £17.50 to Paypal for this booking

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