Set up one bookable unit for multiple service types


Last Update 3 tahun yang lalu

If your business has one single bookable unit, but this can be used as either for example, an open air or enclosed photo booth, you need to offer several services but still prevent double bookings. You can set up your bookable unit types and units in the following way:

  • Set up x1 Bookable Unit type eg. Photo Booth and x1 Bookable Unit eg. Photo Booth 01
  • Set up your Packages eg. Bronze, Silver, Gold including their amount of hours, description and price
  • Create an Extras Group called Enclosures, tick Make group required and tick Disable multiple selections
  • Then create Extras for whatever makes each service different. So you might create an Extra for No Enclosure, Inflatable Enclosure and Solid Enclosure, add prices, images, enter 1 into the Quantity field (so they can't be double booked on one date) and display in the Enclosures Extras Group.
  • Your booking form will appear like the image below. Customers choose your photo booth service, a package and an enclosure extra option and the cost of the booking is priced accordingly.

Alternatively, you can include your enclosures as an included extra within your packages:

  • Whilst creating Packages, add a package for each service variation, add prices to reflect the cost of those services, for example:
    • Standard Inflatable Enclosure
    • Premium Inflatable Enclosure
    • Standard Solid Enclosure
    • Premium Solid Enclosure
  • Create an Extra for an enclosure of each type, click Disable This Extra and set the price to 0.00. This is to ensure the enclosure type is listed within the Package.
  • Go back into your packages and tick the applicable Included Extras
  • If you'd like to offer a choice between the same type of enclosure (such as a black or white), add each enclosure as further separate Extras. Add images, set prices to 0.00 and limit these extras to applicable packages (under Additional Settings)
  • Your booking form will appear like the image below. Customers choose your photo booth service, a package and an enclosure extra option and the cost of the booking is priced accordingly.

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