How to Delete a Booking
Last Update 3 years ago
Please note we do not recommend deleting bookings and would suggest you Cancel or Postpone bookings rather than delete them. It is better to keep your bookings so that you have a full record book of booking ID numbers, so you will then have these for your accounts. To find out more go to:
However should you need to delete a booking, please find the actions to follow below:
1. First you will need to find the booking you would like to delete, so please navigate to Bookings.
2. After you have selected Bookings, you will will be able to view all of your bookings. You should then locate the booking you would like to delete.
3. On each booking you will find a Cog Icon (see screenshot below) on the right side of the booking, you will need to select this which will then present you with a drop down menu.
4. The drop down menu will give you a multitude of options, one being Delete which you will need to select at the bottom of the menu.
5. Once selected this will then take you to another page, you will then be asked 'Are you sure you want to delete this Booking?' (see screenshot below) Select Delete as shown below also.
6. Your booking will then be deleted, following this action you will be automatically directed back to the Bookings list page. At the top of your Bookings you will also find a notification confirming the deletion. Once deleted you will not be able to retrieve this booking as it will be permanently removed from your BoothBook.
7. When a booking has been deleted, no one will be notified or emailed. It will only notify you on the activity log as shown on the screenshot below and include the username, and basic booking information of the customer.