Manage Vehicles


Last Update 2 tahun yang lalu

Add vehicles and their details to your BoothBook so that you can keep track of keepers, inspection and insurance dates as well as assign them to bookings' events.

Add a New Vehicle

  1. Access your Settings on the top menu
  2. Click Vehicle
  3. Add in the Title, Make & Model, and Reg Plate Number
  4. You can also add in Next Inspection Date and Next Insurance Renewal Date
  5. And tick any Insured Drivers / Registered Keepers from the staff list
  6. Click Save

Remove a Vehicle from the List

  1. Access your Setting on the Top Menu
  2. Click Vehicle
  3. Select a Vehicle you want to remove from the list
  4. Click Delete

Update a Vehicle

  1. Access your Settings on the top menu
  2. Click Vehicle
  3. Navigate to the Vehicle you want to update and click Edit
  4. Update the details then click Save

Assign a Vehicle to a Booking

  1. Go to the Bookings List (diary) icon on the tool bar on the left
  2. Navigate to the booking that you want to assign a vehicle to
  3. Click Edit this field under Vehicle:
  4. Select a vehicle from the list and it will save and update. Vehicles do not have availability functionality, they are simply for attendants' reference.

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