BoothBook Contact Form

How to create a contact form that is hosted on your BoothBook Account


Last Update bir yıl önce

You have the option to use and direct potential leads to a contact form on your BoothBook website. You might use this contact page if you are unable or do not wish to embed a lead capture form on your own business's website. Simply direct visitors to [yourboothbookdomain]/contact-form, and the results of the form can be found in the Leads area of your BoothBook (the Messages icon in the left-hand admin menu).

  • To edit your lead capture form, go to Top User Menu >> Widgets > Lead Capture Widget > Click here to create your own custom form!
  • To amend the existing form on that page, you can select a field on the left hand side and these will automatically be added to your custom form.  
  • By clicking the cog icon on each field, you can edit rules for that field. ie. ordering, whether it's required, overriding the label, or making it half width.

  • You have the option to edit the display of your form via the additional options at the bottom of the page ie. text colour and background colour.
  • IF you want the lead to be redirected right into the booking form, as if they have checked a date on the calendar, be sure to check "Event Type" and "Event Date" as required and change the submit action drop down to Redirect to Booking Form

  • Please note: Every change you make to this form, will be automatically added to the code in the bottom box.
  • Once you are happy with your custom contact form, copy the code in the bottom box.
  • Also Paste the code onto your Website.

  • If your website won't allow code, then you can paste the code into your contact form settings ( Top User Menu > Settings > Leads > Contact Form box) and click Save Configuration then Make sure your CTA (call to action) button on your website links to

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