GDPR Options, Data & Privacy Policy


Last Update 2 jaar geleden

What is GDPR?

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation. It is Europe's new framework for data protection laws. It offers European citizens more transparency regarding their data, your permission to store it and what you plan to do with it.

Failure to comply with GDPR can result in fines up to 4% of your company’s annual revenue or €20million whichever is greater.

How Does it Affect me?

To be compliant with the regulation, your customers need to give their permission to be contacted by email. As a result we have made changes to the way BoothBook collects and handles your customers data.

  • You will now have opt in/out check boxes both on the booking form and on the email enabled calendar widgets.

  • If a customer opts out on the widget, their data is not allowed by law to be saved and used for marketing. It is therefore deleted.

  • BoothBook has a pre-set Privacy Policy that you can amend that is customer facing - update this in Top User Menu > Settings > Contracts > Data & Privacy > Privacy Policy.

How Do I Remove It?

As this law applies to EU citizens and not just EU countries we have enabled GDPR options on all of our BoothBook platforms. If you are 100% sure this will not affect you and are happy to take on board all of the risks involved you can remove the GDPR options. This is how:

  1. Log in to your BoothBook as an admin
  2. Go to the Top User Menu
  3. Click Setting
  4. Click Contracts
  5. Go to Data & Privacy
  6. Check the Disable the Contact Permission fields (GDPR) box

    You can also update your Privacy Policy in this section.

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