Why can't my customer make a payment?

Troubleshooting why a customer is saying they are unable to book


Last Update 2 years ago

Is Your BoothBook Subscription Up to Date?

You can only take bookings and payments while you are paying a BoothBook subscription. You can check this in Top User Menu > Billing.

Is Your Payment Gateway Setup Successfully?

If you don't have a payment gateway set up or set up properly, your customers will receive errors when they try to pay:

1. If using Stripe, in Top User Menu > Settings > Payment Gateways > Stripe:

  • Check all x4 of your API Keys are present, that they match the ones in your Stripe account, that Test and Live Keys are in the correct boxes and that the keys have no spaces before or after in their text box areas.
  • Ensure Enable Credit Card payments is ticked
  • Ensure Enable Test Mode is Unticked

2. If using Square:

  • Check all of the Live and Sandbox Details are present, that they match the ones in your Stripe account, that Live and Sandbox details are in the correct boxes and that the details have no spaces before or after in their text box areas.
  • Ensure Test Mode is Unticked
  • Ensure that your client has gone through the two pages confirming information before the card details need to be entered.

3. If using Paypal:

  • Ensure that your Paypal email is correct, matches the email address on your paypal account
  • Ensure that your Paypal details have no spaces before or after in their text box areas
  • If using ONLY Paypal, ensure that Enable Credit Card payments is turned off in Top User Menu > Settings > Payment Gateways > Stripe.

Has the contract been signed?

If you've made a signed contract a requirement under the client portal then the payment section will not show in the client portal.

1. Check if contracts are required. Go to Top User Menu > Settings > Payment Gateways >

2. Check, or uncheck, the box for require a signed contract. Keep it checked if you want the contract to be signed before the customer can make a payment.

3. Send the client a link to the contract to sign. You can do this from the booking list and gear icon for that booking. 

Has The Payment Been Declined?

If a card/payment has been declined when a customer is paying there are a few things you could try to do first to resolve this issue.

  1. When a card/payment has been declined you should check your activity log, any declined payment will notify you on here first.
  2. Check with the customer that the postcode or zipcode they are using matches their billing address also, sometimes due to two different postcodes or zipcodes being used this can cause an issue.
  3. Following this you could check with the customer that they have enough money or credit to make the payment, if they do not have either money or credit available you could offer them some of the below options:
  • The customer could try to make the payment at another date
  • If you offer customers the option to pay in installments, prompt this and explain they can pay a smaller amount at present towards the remaining balance.
  • Suggest they pay using a different payment method i.e use a different card, use paypal.
  • If the customer does have enough money or credit then ask the customer to try and put this payment through again.

If any of the above steps are not able to resolve the issue you can contact us via the Live Chat for advice and support.

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