Charge a fee for using a Credit Card
Is it possible to charge my customer a surcharge for using a credit card.
Last Update setahun yang lalu
You have the ability to charge credit card fees to your customer within your system.
PLEASE NOTE: It is your responsibility to find out if you're able to charge credit card fees to customers for your country or state
This is something that is illegal in most locations that we operate in. In the areas that is is legal it tends to state that businesses are only able to pass on the fee that is charged by the gateway for using the credit card. As this differs by gateway and card used and the list of restrictions are ever changing in favour of the consumer, it is your responsibility to find out if you're able to charge credit card fees to customers for your country or state.
To charge a credit card fee on bookings:
- Go to the top user menu > Settings > Payment Gateways > Surcharges > Credit Card Surcharge
- Enter the percentage amount you want to charge
- Save configuration
- Credit Card Fees are charged on the Order Total (excluding any gratuity)
- Credit Card Fees will show in the Checkout Review page and on Invoices only (not currently displayed in Bookings details or Client Portal Payments)
Charging Credit Card Fees in the USA
Ten states prohibit credit card surcharges and convenience fees: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Oklahoma and Texas. It is illegal for merchants to add any surcharges to credit card transactions or charge convenience fees to non-traditional payment methods in these states.
Charging Credit Card Fees in the United Kingdom & the EU
It is illegal for merchants to add any surcharges to credit card transactions or charge convenience fees to non-traditional payment methods in the United Kingdom & the EU.