How to use 'Save Quote Prompt'

Allow your customers to save their quote when they are not ready to book.


Last Update a year ago

Enabling Save Quote Prompt

  1. Go to Top User Menu > Settings > Booking Form
  2.  Expand Save Quote Prompt
  3.  Enable Save Quote Prompt 
  4.  Choose Style between Pop up> Inline Below Packages or Inline below Extras (recommended). 
  5. Choose Delay in ms. A longer time is suggested for Pop up to allow the customer to make some selections. 
  6. Choose whether to collect a phone number also
  7.  Scroll down to Save

Changing Verbage

  1. Go to Top User Menu > Settings > Translate
  3.  Edit as Needed
  4. Save 

Top Tip

Users with a Basic plan or above are able to then automate follow up including the automatic creation of a proposal to these customer based on the package they have included in their quote. 

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