Automatically Calculate Event End Time

Calculate the event length from the booking form


Last Update vor einem Jahr

Have your booking form calculate the event length:

  • Go To > Top User Menu > Settings > Booking Form
  • Form Questions > Hide Fields and enable Hide the Event Time End Field. 
  • A pop-up window may appear, for you to check if any Packages or Extras require a duration to be set and save each one. Eg. for an Extra called 2 Additional Hours, select 2 under Duration and click the check icon under Save.
  • Ensure the Event Time Field is not hidden.
  • Then Save Configuration to save the whole settings page
  • Clients filling out your booking form will then be able to choose a start time for their event and the end time will be set on the booking automatically based on the packages and extras chosen.

Note: If you have enabled this and need to edit a time on abooking, you'll need to ADD or REMOVE an extra to have it calculate.

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