What to do about failed subscription payments?

How to update card details


Last Update 2 年前

What to do if your payment is declined?

When a subscription payment fails, it will attempt to charge the payment 4 times over 7 days. You will receive a notification every time a payment fails. If there is a missed payment, access to your account will be locked until you update your card, or manually pay your invoices - Pay an Unpaid Bill

Customers will be unable to book, and your widgets will become in-active, but you will be allowed to log in to the accounts and billing section only until payment is made. Now when you have an unpaid BoothBook subscription invoice, it will flag as unpaid, and will have an option to pay manually.


How can I Change my Card Details?

Please log into your BoothBook account, and Go To > Top User Menu > Billing. Please click the blue Update card details button to change your card information. Once it is changed, we will attempt to charge your card at the scheduled time. Users that are having issues with USA banks blocking automatic payments should update their card details on the accounts & billing page, as we now capture your billing address & zipcode for Stripe to use to validate payments.

What if I don't pay?

We will make contact with you to determine the issue. Most times it is an expired card that can be resolved easily. If we detect that your account has not been paid for more than a month, and we decide that you have no intention of paying further, we will wipe and delete your BoothBook account entirely and all data will be lost.


What if I am having financial difficulty?

If you are struggling to pay your invoice each month, the worst thing you can do is not tell us. You may need to downgrade to a lower account if you don't have enough incoming bookings to support payment. Please let us know if this is the case, and we can assist.

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