What Happens When A Lead Accepts A Proposal?


Last Update 2 years ago

Client Side

a) Their date is still available

The lead accept the proposal with a package assigned to it. 

Depending on your required fields set in Top User Menu > Settings > Proposals> Required Proposal Data, additional data will be requested.

The lead is then directed to their

a) contract

b) webform if a form is compulsory at the booking stage

....... client portal to make their deposit payment and action any webforms, template choosers etc.

b) Their date is no longer available

The lead will click 'Accept Proposal' and if there are no other units available for that date it will show the below.

Depending on your required fields set in Top User Menu > Settings > Proposals > Required Proposal Data, additional data will be requested.

Once the lead is updated it will show the following:

The lead will click OK and will take them back to their proposal.

To translate the above Client Facing Messages, go to Top User Menu > Settings > Translate > Proposals 

Legacy Leads

For Leads Proposals that were updated and sent to customers before midday 27th November 2019, their proposals will show an Accept button (no Amend button) but will still force them through the Booking form still. These Leads Proposals can be edited, updated and sent again using the new functionality if required.

Any Leads Proposals updated and sent after this time, the Accept button will submit the booking when clicked, the Amend button will direct to the booking form first. Either button can be hidden when needed.

Admin Side

a) Their date is still available

You will be sent an email notification instantly after the client clicks Accept with their booking information and a link to their full booking details.

That client will now be highlighted green in your leads database as they have been converted to a booking.

b) Their date is no longer available

You will be sent an email notification stating: 'Action Required: The Proposal Could Not Be Accepted' including the clients attempted time and lead information. You can then take action to arrange another bespoke package or discuss an arrangement for that lead.

Admin Notifications

You will automatically receive email notifications when a lead views, accepts or has attempted to accept their Proposal.

  • To switch off this global setting, go to Top User Menu > Settings > Proposals > Notifications

For additional support articles on Proposals click here.

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