Developer API Overview


Last Update vor einem Jahr

The BoothBook developers API allows you to read, edit and post to BoothBook through various endpoints.

Requests to the BoothBook API rely on a URL, a Client Key, and a Client Secret. All requests must be passed through their applicable endpoint. Unauthorised, or incomplete API requests will result in a response error.

The available endpoints are...


Read essential account data including... Business Name, Business Website, Time Zone, Country, Address, Postcode, Plan, Customer Name, Affiliate ID, Currency Code, Currency Sign


Read booking data including... Total Bookings, Booking ID, Status, Email, Phone, Staff, Packages, Extras, Event Name, Event Start Time, Event End TIme, Event Date, Venue Name, Venue Address, Venue Postcode, Admin notes, Customer Notes


Read & Create Leads.


Read payments as manual, customer or all.

Unit Types

Read unit types


Read units

Event Types

Read event types

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