Add A New Coupon
Last Update 2 years ago
Written Instructions:
Coupon discounts are taken off the total amount of the customer's order during the booking process. You can add and manage individual coupons by going to the Top User Menu > Settings then to Coupons. Here, you can Add a new Coupon:
- Enter an Admin Title description eg. Bride Magazine 10%
- Enter the Coupon Code that customers would enter on your website eg. BRIDE10. Please note it only supports numbers & letters as a single word.
- Enter the Discount Amount value eg. 10 and the Discount Format ie. Percentage or Fixed Amount for if it's for £10 off.
- Optionally enter the Maximum amount you want the code to be used into the Max Redemptions box
- Under Date Arguments, you can limit the coupon to be valid by the date of the event or when the booking is submitted.
- Under Limitations, you can limit your coupon to be valid for certain assets only. Tick one or multiple Unit Types, Event Types, Packages or Extras, and the coupon will only be valid when those services or products are chosen. (Leave all unchecked per asset list to apply to all in that list) :
- PLEASE NOTE: If using a Percentage discount amount, the discount will still be applied if multiple services and extras are chosen, and the limited asset is among them as the discount amount is always taken off the total amount of the order.
- PLEASE NOTE: A Fixed Amount discount will only be taken off the total amount of the order once, regardless of how many services or products have been chosen during booking.
- Click Disable or Delete A Coupon